Bridging disciplinary and geographic boundaries and mobilizing resources to promote equitable brain health outcomes across regions.
Maintaining and improving brain health across the life course is one the greatest challenges of the 21st century, as few other issues will have a similar level of effect on human longevity. A promising approach to mitigate the complex threats to brain health at an individual, community, national, and international level is Brain Health Diplomacy (BHD).
The Brain Health Diplomacy team developed a Toolkit for Brain Health Diplomacy leaders, to support their work in this area. This Toolkit was funded by a Seed Grant from the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat). Additional support provided by the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and the OHSU…
BHD is a pioneering approach to bridge disciplinary and geographic boundaries and mobilize resources to promote equitable brain health outcomes across regions. This approach aims to improve brain performance on a global scale …
Our Team
The Brain Health Diplomacy team developed a Toolkit for Brain Health Diplomacy leaders, to support their work in this area. This Toolkit was funded by a Seed Grant from the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat). Additional support provided by the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and the OHSU…
Funders & Partners
The Brain Health Diplomacy leaders would like to give a special thank you to the Global Brain Health Institute, both for funding this website through there generous support of a Collaboration Grant (led by Dr Laura Booi) and their promotion of the ideals of Brain Health Diplomacy.
Diplomacy is often thought of as the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country’s official representatives abroad. However, diplomacy is far broader in practice and application and can be carried out by a wide variety of professionals in their own work and collaborations. Brain health diplomacy builds on existing theoretical frameworks such as health diplomacy and science diplomacy with the aim of improving global brain health.